Out and About in the Lothians
My name is Jeremy Balfour, and this is Out and About in the Lothians. As part of my Job as the Member of the Scottish Parliament for the Lothian Region, I get to travel around meeting interesting people who make a difference in our community. The purpose of this podcast is to share their stories. Over the course of this session of Parliament, I will be travelling around the Lothians bringing you in on conversations with people who work hard to make our communities better. From Charities to local businesses, I will be seeking out a wide range of people to give you a broad view of what is going on in our area.The costs of this publication have been met out of parliamentary resources. Complaints about content should be sent by e-mail to: sp.info@scottish.parliament.uk
Out and About in the Lothians
Episode 57- Colum Pooler, Garvald Edinburgh
Jeremy Balfour MSP
Season 1
Episode 57
Garvald Edinburgh is a charity based in Edinburgh that provides support and opportunities for adults with learning disabilities and additional support needs through Creative workshops, social enterprises, and community living.
This week Jeremy sat down with the CEO Colum to find out more about this amazing organisation.
Show notes
Garvald Edinburgh
Garvald Edinburgh — About
Music: Savour The Moment by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Produced and Edited by Sam Barge